which spy are you?
I think your answer would probably be: as long as I'm the winner
Although in the video, both spys are in 2 distinct colors : black and white, I believe there exists many shades in between!
Allow me to explain my point:
You can be:
which is a sole part of the human nature
As they say : "the curiosity killed the cat" which is when you become very very curious
the next level is NOSY
The last level is : SPY
which is more like a 007 role. You do it as a part of your obsession or for a living. Can you imagine?
In this case, thanks to the spying employer, facebook is the champion of spies even though the purpose of facebook is not for spying, still its a major tool that allowed the employer to spy (a car is simply a way to get you from point A to point B but if it was used as a murder weapon, then the car is a part of the crime)
Why do I think that those two (facebook, employer) are spies?
Sadly, I am one of the people that you may know who have changed their names on facebook to make my employer's task of finding my profile a bit harder. I do not want my facebook profile to be the reason behind demotivating my future employer from hiring me. -"people weigh your words"- Unfortunetaly, from my friend's past experiences, employers often use social networking tools such as facebook as means of hiring their future candidates, but that's not always the case. I'm not being pessimistic but : when was the last time you heard that an employer hired a candidate because of the candidate's facebook profile? In fact, the opposite case is much more realistic!
I know that there are some features with-in facebook (among other social networking tools) that allows the user to set their privacy levels. Still, since facebook is public and not full proof, I'm still concerned about my employer finding my profile. As the saying suggests : "if their is a will , there is a way". If my employer wanted to find my facebook profile, they eventually will.
So, what's your take on this?

Let me know
The picture is from www.facebookspy.net
The video is from YouTube
1 comment:
Great post Yousif
I think that a lot of people tend to look past the fact that employers can search for their employees' names, yet they still put up insane pictures. So I do agree with what you have wrote.
But check this out, one of my fraternity brothers received a job from a NY PR firm because of his facebook picture and I swear to you at one point they said that the firm picked him over another candidate because he looked like he could be fun in the office and handle a few beers.
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