Monday, September 8, 2008

Matrix for every1?!

I remember when Neo had the choice between the Red/Blue pill... I also remember my first class in Itec-335 when I was asked if I would go to outer space...

The first thing that went through my mind was: WOW that would be so coool BUT wait!!
Will I be able to come back if I were in those shoes?

Virtual worlds are like limitless extensions of our imaginations and other people's imaginations as well. Imagine? what is real? define real? can you?

Imagine you can be anything you want and look and sound like what ever you like, how would you feel?

I know how I would: in one word : I would feel : FAKE !

This is my take on the idea even though I have NOT tried a virtual world like Second Life. I'm not being modest but I like to be my self because I'm happy with what I got and because I need to make the best of it.

Going back to Second Life from a business prospective, absolutely promising. In my opinion, this is innovation. Brands and branding and more brand recognition.... I think that this is the main point !! more business ---> more $$$$$$$

Another benifit....what do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a very interesting take on the subject. I agree that SL has promising business applications, but those same applications can be used without creating a virtual person and without roaming some imaginary world. Online meeting and distance learning tools work great without avatars and virtual graphical environments.