I'm sure that you have watched at least 1 of 3 Terminator movies starred by California's governor: Arnold Schwarzenegger.Part 4 is still in the making by Warner Bros.
What about Will Smith's movie I, Robot ?
If you haven't watched any of those movies: get a life looooserrrr!
I'm kidding...
Basically, the plot of theses movies is : one day the "rise of the machines" will take over the world and beat the humans...
Anyways, back to the point: Machines taking over the world?
My answer is : WHATTTTTT?
Hahhhhhha , no way .
I'm surprised that some people believe that this could be possible. By people I mean
according to an article published on March 25, 2007 by NY times, a direct quote : "We probably have at least another 25 years before computers are more powerful than human brains, according to the most optimistic artificial intelligence experts".
Let me comment on this quote
- That expectation is NOT optimistic
- 25 years? I think more like another 5 generations at least for machines to become a step closer to the human mind
Really, just think about it for a second. NO, really just think about it!
Us humans MADE MADE MADE the machines. As humans, we cannot produce a product that is superficial than us. Why? because that's God's job, not ours.
besides, machines do not and can not and certainly will not have a sense of humorrrrrrrr
Can a machine make up a joke? NOPE
Thanks for reading and I look forward to your interactions.

The movie poster is from yahoomovies.com
The second image is from bmontana.net
Hi !
I had the same thought on reading that part of the article ! 25 years ! I think the optimistic part of the quote was "at least", but come on ! Computers and machines still need us (I can't believe I just said that) to perform the most basic tasks. Here is hoping... !
Going over this article I couldn't help but to laugh in the same way you probably did as you were writing your post. This concept of computers taking over and surpassing the human mind wont happen for one reason:
Why would they build a computer/robot/ whatever type of electronic device that would eventually take over their job/ life.
Simply put-Not happening
I think you might be oversimplifying the issue. Computers will probably naturally overpower the human brain, it is inevitable. The people who are stating this are far more qualified in their opinion than any of us are. Yes, 25 years is an optimistic prediction, but it is still possible.
This does not mean that machines will take over the world, it just means that there are complex tasks that are better left for computer-based processes. They are here to make our lives simpler or increase workplace efficiency, not to take over the world. There is an important distinction.
a) While robots probably will not share human emotion, humans are in the process of developing robots that learn, develop memory through existence/action, and possibly (but not optimistically) beating out humans in their own game of brain development.
Is it completely science fiction? Absolutely. But so was the idea of men walking on the moon.
b) I beat you to the I, Robot reference, but in a completely unrelated manner. Weeerrrid.
After reading that portion of the article, I was like NO WAY!How can it be?Later, thinking about it, i decided that computers would go a long way in simplifying what used to be extremely difficult tasks and making life generally better. That does not mean that they would "take over the world." That's taking things too far. Humans made the machines for Christsakes! I just hope the "experts" won't make us eat our words in 25 years.ha!That would be the day.
Here is another movie example of robots taking over...WALL-E. I mentioned WALL-E on danny's blog.
WALL-E absolutely feels human emotion and he is a robot! Sure, we are talking about movies right now but I definitely think we could get to the point where robots are just as capable of feeling things as humans...it's quite scary.
REMEMBER ROBIN WILLIAMS IN BICENTENNIAL MAN?! that's a huge throw back to 1999. wow.
But seriously, we can't rule out the possibility.
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